POSITION STATEMENT: Laser Safety Training – Perioperative Suite
The Australian Standards1 state that a key component of the administrative control of lasers is the safety training of personnel and that it is undertaken to specifically instruct staff associated with the use of a laser (regardless of their role in the work environment) in topics such as principles and safe practices, potential hazards, the appropriate use and operation of a medical laser.
Bravura Education’s position is that all staff in the perioperative environment should be trained in laser safety. As a baseline, a Basic Laser Safety Course should be completed by any personnel that come into contact with a laser. If staff are responsible for the role of laser user, laser operator or Laser Safety Officer as defined in the standards1, then a Laser Safety Officer Course is recommended.
In line with the Standards for Perioperative Nursing in Australia2, laser safety training should be done as a Refresher Course every five years
- AS/NZS 4173:2018, Safe use of lasers and intense light sources in health care. Standards Australia. https://store.standards.org.au/product/as-nzs-4173-2018
- Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (ACORN) (2023). Standards for Safe and Quality Care in the Perioperative Environment (SSQCPE). https://www.acorn.org.au/standards.
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