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Bravura Education… More than just a qualification

Bravura Education… More than just a qualification

TRIGGER WARNING: this content includes discussion about domestic violence.

Our certificates are much more than education, for some women they are a ticket to freedom for a new life. While I always write from an honest and real perspective about most asked questions and how to fill out application forms, I have never had the honour of writing a blog as raw as this one.

Last week a new student signed up to our Beginner and Advanced courses. I had been in contact with her for several months, backwards and forwards answering questions and sending links. It all seemed normal, as that’s my job, I am here to help you all get from the question stage to the studying phase.

Then I received an email on the student’s behalf from a domestic violence case worker, stating the student’s application for funding had been approved, and my stomach dropped. I suddenly had visions of what this woman had been through and how tall she must be standing to now be in a place to study and make a new path for her life. If any of you have watched MAID on Netflix recently, you would know the scenarios that went through my mind and the courage this woman has! I was so proud of this woman I have never met. I had an overwhelming sense of pride, to work for Bravura Education, the company she chose for her new direction in life.

A few days later I got a message from her saying she needed some assistance, so I called her. We had spoken many times before but this time, I was inspired, I felt like this woman was a HERO! (Beause she is). I let her know that I thought she was incredible, strong, brave...[insert all the words that come to your mind while you’re reading this]

We connected in that moment, and she opened up to me so deeply and shared some horrific stories about what she has been through. This now single mother is using a government issued mobile phone, to access our online courses, while being almost blind on one eye after being kicked in the face by her ex-husband. We both cried on the phone. I cannot imagine how tough these years of her life have been, the things she has been through and suffered. Through it all, she is thankful to be free, supported and now moving on with her life into a new chapter.

I told her she needs to write a book! She said she wishes she could speak English better so she could share her story with others… I tried to explain that I understood every word she said and exactly what story she was trying to tell. I know this isn’t the social platform she was thinking about, but I was compelled to share!

I cannot wait for her to complete her studies, get her certificate and get on with her new life.

Thank you to all the case workers in Australia, giving hope and support to all of those in need!

[Published with permission of the woman and case worker involved]

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