Blog Posts
Bravura Education’s position is that all staff in the perioperative environment should be trained in laser safety. As a baseline, a Basic Laser Safety Course should be completed by any personnel that come into contact with a laser. If staff are responsible for the role of laser user, laser operator or LSO then..Read now
Surgical plume and its associated hazards to perioperative staff
An important part of our laser safety course for hospital staff is the management of plume, or surgical smoke. This new article by registered nurse Andrea Carrick is a comprehensive review of the current standards for practice and risk management and yet again, reinforces the need for anyone who uses a laser to have laser safety training.
We are ONE OF THREE finalists in the My Face My Body Awards Australasia 2016 Most Innovative Service category!
Read nowWe have an audacious goal... We are aiming for 500 votes! Can you help us? Here’s three reasons to vote for us: 1. We deliver the highest professionally accredited online laser & IPL cosmetic courses in Australasia for doctors, nurses...
Congratulations lasers in skin care education scholarship winners (Cosmetex 2016)
Read nowWe had so much interest in our courses at Cosmetex 2016 as national uniformity, regulation and licensing look set to be the direction for the use of lasers and IPL in Australia according to Dr John Javorniczky from ARPANSA. Winners...
What to expect with laser tattoo removal
Read nowYou may have incomplete resolution of the tattoo or “Ghosting" as it's sometimes referred to as Lots of treatments, 47% of tattoos require up to 10 sessions and 26% require more than 15 sessions Response will be reduced if you...
Where is ARPANSA up to on regulation for IPL & lasers for cosmetic or beauty therapy?
Read nowARPANSA updated on their progress on 27th January 2016 and say they have received over 260 public submissions on the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement on Intense Pulsed Light sources (IPLs) and Lasers for Cosmetic or Beauty Therapy. Now that's a...
Don't be 'untrained, ignorant or unethical' when using lasers, regulation may be imminent
Read nowWith regulation close on the horizon, a laser safety certificate is the essential ingredient in all clinician's portfolios. In a Spa+Clinic article experts interviewed have called for a raising of standards in the laser & IPL industry calling for operators...