Blog Posts
Is there a new laser coming into your perioperative suite and you’re not sure where to start? When introducing a new laser into the operating theatre, there are several critical considerations to ensure patient safety, efficacy of treatment, and the well-being of the healthcare team.Read now
POSITION STATEMENT: Laser Safety Training – Perioperative Suite
Bravura Education’s position is that all staff in the perioperative environment should be trained in laser safety. As a baseline, a Basic Laser Safety Course should be completed by any personnel that come into contact with a laser. If staff are responsible for the role of laser user, laser operator or LSO then..Read now -
Who can I provide laser, IPL and LED therapy cosmetic treatments to?
Light-based treatments like laser and IPL can be effective, but it's important to check for contraindications before starting. A thorough health history and client consultation should always be carried out, and clients with any of the following need special consideration: darker skin type, history of skin cancer, light sensitivity, medication, infection, or pregnancy. Get written consent before starting any treatment, and be sure to disclose the risks, benefits, and alternatives. Clients under 18 should have a legal guardian's agreement.Read now -
Ever wondered about who heads up Bravura Education?
Read nowlaser training, ipl, lllt, laser safety course, laser safety training, laser online, laser safety officer certificate, laser hair removal course, laser certificate, laser tattoo removal course, queensland, tasmania, western australia, nsw, Victoria, south Australia, act, Canberra, accredited, Aphra, cpd, nurses,...
Surgical plume and its associated hazards to perioperative staff
An important part of our laser safety course for hospital staff is the management of plume, or surgical smoke. This new article by registered nurse Andrea Carrick is a comprehensive review of the current standards for practice and risk management and yet again, reinforces the need for anyone who uses a laser to have laser safety training.
Laser Course Queensland
Are you looking to acquire a Queensland licence for laser treatments? Discover how Bravura Education can help you achieve your goal. Many individuals often confuse the laser safety certificate with obtaining a licence, but we're here to provide clarity.
Brilliant! Lasers in health care (Spring 2017)
Read nowUpdate on ARPANSA cosmetic laser guidance documents The ARPANSA Radiation Health Committee's (RHC) IPL Working Group reported back in June and is progressing a guidance document on the use of lasers and IPL in cosmetic medicine which is likely to...
Understand your professional and legal obligations when advertising
Read nowThere are so many people in the cosmetic industry flaunting these advertising guidelines, especially on Instagram with before and after photos. It is good to know that we have a resource from AHPRA to guide and maintain our integrity as health...
Workplace-based and medical device seller’s education may not be ‘up to the job’ for laser and other treatments in cosmetic medicine
Read nowBut why should we expect them to be? Clinics are already working full tilt to deliver client care let alone have the capacity for a robust, evidence based, peer reviewed and comprehensive education program. Many clinics have a handful of...